People are talking!
See what our elders are saying.
Even better: Come for a visit, ask anyone any question you’d like, and see for yourself.

I moved here after my wife passed away in 2015 in accordance with what we had planned together. It has been a very good decision and I love living here. The community is new and the staff is very loving and caring, and all the elders are wonderful. Could not be happier with my decision.

Living at The Crossings during Hurricane Harvey has been a positive thing for me. That’s because I lived through the last hurricane by myself, and it’s not a whole lot of fun to be in a 3-story house all by yourself. I moved to The Crossings and made a new family. Everybody around here cares for one another and it makes you feel very safe. What else can I tell you? I’m in the right place.

My wife and I were among the first residents at The Crossings. Previous luncheons and visits to the Information Center convinced us and our family that it was a good fit for us. The healthcare features were particularly appealing. We found the amenities and opportunities, plus socialization with peers, were such that you could participate in as much or as little of the many available. Over time, we needed to take advantage of rehabilitation services after my wife's hospital stays and it was so great to just go "down the hall" for visitations. Sadly, my wife passed away, but I comfortably "spread out" in our two bedroom apartment. As it turned out, this has proven to be one of the best decisions we ever made!